I can change, I swear, see what you can do
I can make it through, you can make it too

– Bob Dylan

This has been a year of many changes for me, a new job, then a new role leading a team. Changing the way that we brainstorm our digital projects with design studio workshops, and the way that we explore ux with prototyping, and the way that we work into a much more agile and inclusive process. I gave a road show talk about ux to get folks excited about what our department has to offer.

On the personal side of things, we moved house (and are doing so again in a couple of weeks) after a house fire. We’re in the process of renovating our house. I started running in a big way and ran two 5k races. I started using a little “quantified self” practice on my kids, using a daily chart, to improve their behavior.

I’m looking to change even more in 2013, so I’m excited to work with two new apps I just downloaded. Fitocracy, a social media app for fitness and Healthy Habits, a highly customizable app that helps you track any habit on a daily basis.

But one of the biggest tips for lasting change is surrounding yourself with folks that are supportive, that are doing the change that you seek right now, that inspire you and keep you going with positive energy. Sometimes they are a little tough on you, too. But they push you out of your comfort zone and force you to face your fear and do things you would never normally do. I’m very grateful for those folks in my life and I’m looking forward to amazing changes in 2013.

In 2013 I’ll be working on a new talk to debut to the public this spring, learning a ton at the IXDA conference in January in Toronto, learning advanced Axure, guest lecturing at NYU’s ITP school and running a half marathon. Phew, just reading that sentence made me a little exhausted, but excited! Here’s to 2013!