So I sent a heads up to my work peeps that I would be out of the office at the Tough Mudder event late July. For those that don’t know it’s a 10 to 12 mile obstacle course designed by British special forces. Every course is different but some of the obstacles involve jumping into freezing ice water and crawling under wires that can shock you electrically. Apparently most of my colleagues hadn’t heard of the Mudder, and thought it was some sort of Mother event, which is kind of funny.
I teamed up with a personal trainer from NYSC to prepare, and have been doing alot of running. I’ve been exercising 3 times a week but am now ramping it up to at least 5. Also I’ve been mentally prepping on my walk to work by pretending I am in the mudder and going through the course in my mind. Which is actually how Michael Phelps trains. It’s a little challenging in this case because they haven’t announced what the final course will be and won’t until 2 weeks prior.
I think both physical training and developing that mental grit are both key for this event. I’m on a team with my husband and friends so it will be both a challenge and very fun, and alot of laughs I’m sure. Wish me luck!