I have 3 kids 5 and under, had a house fire and have been dealing with insurance and a renovation for a year and a half, and have a very big job. It’s been very stressful so I’ve put some habits in place to help me stay calm and clear throughout the craziness. One of my favorites is walking meditation.
I was taught this practice by reading Thich Nhat Hanh, a great buddhist leader. His writing on it is here, but I also recommend his lovely books. It’s a wonderful meditation practice because it can fit into the busiest of schedules. Even if you are just walking to get your lunch, you can do this.
Simply focus on walking, your steps on the ground, and count your breath matched with your steps. If your mind wanders return to your breath. I used to work in Soho and would do this in the mornings walking down Spring street. I was able to remain in the moment so happy to walk down such a beautiful street to arrive at an office where I loved my work and the people I worked with.
One of my former employees, an amazing UX architect, had in a former life also been a buddhist monk and this is his favorite meditation practice too. You can do this walking down the hall in your office. It’s truly changed my life…give it a try and let me know how it goes.